As a recruiter, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had conversations with both hiring managers and prospective candidates who have voiced their frustrations with being unable to effectively execute job searches successfully in a short time frame. Candidates express that they apply to vague job postings (usually half a page in length) and

Will Oil Prices Return to Lofty Heights?

With the recent bombing of Saudi Arabia’s major oil processing center in Abquaiq this week, crude oil price futures quickly jumped 20% on Monday, and subsequently backed down today 5 %. Market response was attributed to Saudi announcements that production taken out by the attack could be back to full or near full capacity in 3
Well, summer is officially upon us – the weather is hot, the job markets are active and our team is on fire! It has been a busy Spring/Early Summer for our OneSource team, attending industry conferences from New Orleans to Midland, celebrating past successes and working hard on current ones. Read More
Henry Shurlds, OneSource partner was recently honored as a Distinguished Engineering Fellow by Mississippi State University’s Bagley College of Engineering. Henry’s recognition by MSU is well-deserved, and the Krewe of OneSource could not be prouder!